Saturday, August 24, 2024

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM – Morning General Session: Regency Ballroom C and D
9:00 AM – Call to Order by President Donald Porterfield
9:05 AM - Invocation
9:10 AM - Opening Ceremony
9:20 AM - Convention Planning Committee Welcome
9:30 AM - Membership Committee Celebration

10:00 Partnering with our Arizona Legislature so Blind Arizonans can live the lives they want.  Senator, Frank Carool, Arizona Sennate
10:10: What's new with the Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration Specialized services for Blind and Low Vision:   Dr. Brian Dulude, Region III Program Manager Services for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and the Deaf
10:30:P aving the road to autonomous driving with Waymo: Amanda Ventura Public Affairs Manager
10:40: Great happenings at the Arizona Talking Book Library:  Christine Tuttle, Arizona Talking Book Library
10:50: Fit Break, Roger Early, Saavi Services for the Blind
11:00 Full inclusion in live theater with audio description: Carlin Thomas:  Audio Describer
11:15: Are there a thousand AI words in these pictures:  Sharonda Goode and Joe Goode NFBAZ Technology Committee
11:30: My first convention, and why I'm a federationist.

Noon – 1:30 PM - Division Meetings

  • Arizona Parents of Blind Children: Regency B

  • Arizona Association of Blind Students: Regency A 

  • Diabetes Action Network:   Sundance conference room 3

  • Seniors Division: Regency CD

  • Arizona Association of Blind Merchants:   Sundance

1:30 - 5:00 PM - Afternoon General Session:  Regency CD
1:30 PM: President’s Report
2:00 PM: National Representative Report:  Anil Lewis
2:30 PM: Nominating Committee Report and Elections
3:15 PM: Resolutions
4:00 PM: Why structure discovery training is the foundation for success
4:20 PM: NFB STEM 2 You in AZ
4:30:  NFB BELL Academy
5:00 PM - Adjourn

6:00 PM - Reception: Regency Foier 
7:00 PM - Banquet:  Regency CD

  • Keynote Speaker –, National Representative

  • Scholarship Awards

  • Auction – Donald Porterfield, Affiliate President, and Jordan Moon, Affiliate First Vice President