Arizona Association of Blind Students

We are a statewide division of the National Association of Blind Students (NABS) which is an affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB).

Our Mission

AABS believes that blind students, with the assistance of good training in independent travel, Braille, technology, and living skills, are entitled to equal treatment in the classroom, which means we must also share equal responsibility. We do not ask for handouts or unnecessary modifications; but we demand the same opportunities and education given to our sighted peers. We want our voices to be heard, and we want to have control over our lives and In the directions are lives take in the future. For these reasons, we highly promote self-advocacy for all blind students and also believe that blind students, more than anyone else, can best speak for ourselves.

How We Accomplish Our Mission

We provide blind students a valuable network where members can trade tips on study techniques, the newest adaptive software, and strategies for confronting the challenges blind students face. Also, provide examples set forth by many blind role models who have already successfully conquered college and have found employment to show blind students and the public in general that the blind can live independent, successful lives. Together, we educate each other, as well as society about the capabilities of blind students.

Annual Meetings

AABS holds an annual student seminar. The seminar is entirely organized and presented by the membership of AABS. Students manage everything from the actual raising of funds to cover the cost of the seminar, to creating and printing out the agendas. AABS also holds an annual business meeting in conjunction with the state convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Arizona. AABS also assist active members to the national convention of the NFB, and other national events.

AABS Board Members

  • Ammar Tarin, President
  • TBD, 1st Vice President
  • Samuel Chavez, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Desiree Morales, Board Member 1
  • Tasnim Alshuli, Board Member 2

Contact Us

President: Ammar Tarin

Phone: (480) 580-7874 


Get Connected

Stay connected with news and updates about the Arizona Association of Blind Students and the National Association of blind students by subscribing to our mailing lists.

Arizona Association of Blind Students Mailing List: Join us on the AABS list hosted on

To stay in contact through social media follow us on our Facebook page.

National Association of Blind Students (NABS) Mailing List